Stella Maris of Galapagos - Itinerary


Itinerary 8D / 7N (Monday to Monday) 
Mon: San Cristobal Island - Lobos Island.
Tue: Punta Pitt – Witch Hill.
Wed: Española Island: Gardner Bay - Suarez Point.
Thu: Floreana Island: Cormorant Point - Post Office Bay.
Fri: North Seymour Island - Bartholomew Island.
Sat: Genovesa Island: El Barranco - Darwin´s Bay.
Sun: South Plazas Island - Santa Fe Island.
Mon: Santa Cruz Island: El Chato - Twin Craters.


Itinerary 8D / 7N (Monday to Monday) 
Mon: Baltra - Santa Cruz: Charles Darwin Station.
Tue: Sombrero Chino - Rabida Island.
Wed: Espumilla Beach - Bucanero Cove  - Egas Point.
Thu: Fernandina Island: Espinoza Point - Isabela Island: Tagus Cove.
Fri: Isabela Island: Elizabeth Bay – Moreno Point.
Sat: Tintoreras - Wetlands - Wall of Tears - Tortoise Breading Center.
Sun: Santa Cruz Island: El Chato - Highlands - Tortuga Bay.
Mon: San Cristobal Island - Interpretation Center - Airport.